When Do Babies Start Sleeping Longer?

When do babies start sleeping longer? By four months, most babies will begin to prefer sleeping at night. However, daytime naps will decrease over time. A two-month-old baby may nap four times a day, while an older infant may sleep just one to two hours a day. In either case, the first signs of longer sleep are often noticed soon after the baby begins moving around. Here are some general tips to help you understand your baby’s sleeping habits.

Most parents wish their babies would sleep through the night. Unfortunately, this dream is not a reality for many. Although they may eventually achieve eight hours of sleep, it is unlikely to happen until they are six to nine months old. Instead, parents should consider that eight hours of sleep may not be as far off as they think. Babies may wake up a few times during the night, but this is a small price to pay for your baby’s long-term development.

During the first six months, most babies sleep for about 70 percent of the day and fewer hours at night. By nine months, the number of naps per day is down to a handful, and the duration of the nighttime sleep increases. By this time, a baby may have three or four two-hour naps during the day and sleep between six and twelve hours every night. The majority of babies reach this milestone in approximately four to six months.

As the first few months of a baby’s life are so unpredictable, it can be difficult to determine when your baby should begin sleeping longer. For example, some babies start sleeping for longer stretches after three to four months, while others do not begin until they are close to the third trimester. In addition, many moms believe their babies are born night owls based on their womb activities.

Besides taking naps during the day, establishing a distinct distinction between daytime and nighttime is important for helping your baby learn the link between the two. By dimming lights, using blackout curtains, and speaking softly, you can help your baby learn that nighttime means sleep. You may also consider reducing the number of naps your baby gets during the day, as it can make them overtired at night.

As a new parent, worrying about your baby’s sleep is normal. Babies need to feed at night, but most babies can sleep for about eight to nine hours without waking up. Once they are between six and eight months of age, they may be able to sleep up to twelve or thirteen hours at a time. However, some infants are still unable to sleep for longer than six hours at a time, so it’s important to be flexible and create a sleeping schedule.

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Another common problem with waking up frequently at night is separation anxiety. Babies don’t understand that separations are temporary. The best way to address separation anxiety is to ensure that your baby is comfortable with the separation and that it’s only temporary. The same goes for other sleep problems. Your baby may be overstimulated, overtired, or even ill. You should seek medical advice to determine if your baby is experiencing a sleep regression and, if so, how to fix it.

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