Newborn Care Specialists and Night Nannies

The practice of essential newborn care is more common among midwives than nurses. It is supported by a Jimma study, which found that midwives are more likely to receive in-service training and work in the labour ward. The study also found that nurses practice essential newborn care less frequently than midwives. However, both types of providers are trained to provide critical care. To assess the practice of basic newborn care, we conducted two studies.

The first study looked at the prevalence of various newborn-care practices. Using the WHO’s definition, essential newborn care encompasses a set of supportive and preventive measures. The study also considered neonatal resuscitation, including a series of interventions and using positive pressure ventilation (BAP) with a mask.

The Every Newborn Action Plan called for increased attention to the time around birth and targeted high-impact interventions. Its goal is to reduce the number of newborn, maternal, and stillbirth deaths, thereby producing a triple return on investment. In the first month after birth, approximately 2.5 million children die from complications related to poor care. It is reduced by following the Every Newborn Action Plan guidelines. And because no two newborns are the same, newborn care specialists have an essential role.

Countries should consider the costs of neonatal resuscitation and the associated processes when expanding the scope of facility-based newborn care. In addition, BNC should be broadened to post-resuscitation care. When developing funding schemes for these services, it is essential to consider the cost of neonatal resuscitation and post-resuscitation care. The cost-effectiveness of these measures will depend on how well these initiatives are implemented in the respective contexts.

A Newborn Care Specialist is an explicitly trained professional with extensive experience in all aspects of newborn care. This person is trained to handle common problems, such as reflux, and will know how to manage them with proven resources. A Night Nanny, on the other hand, works directly under the parents’ guidance. A Night Nanny does not necessarily have training in newborn care and may work with a babysitter or an in-home nanny for extra income.

Another essential part of newborn care is the development of a routine for bedtime. A bedtime routine may differ for each family, but it’s necessary to follow a similar pattern daily. By doing the same activities in the same order day after day, the baby will become used to the routine and anticipate what will happen next. The same applies to the winding-down practice, which Mindell recommends include three or four activities over twenty minutes. These can be a massage, a bath, a lullaby, or rocking. If you can’t figure out a routine, try a baby-friendly book or audiobook.

While bonding is essential for new parents, it is important to remember that it is a process that is not completed on the first day. A recent KidsHealth article offers tips for parents and fathers to help with the labour and delivery process and participate in bottle feedings and baths. A nap during the weekend is another excellent idea to compensate for lost sleep. As a parent, you need to remember that negative emotions can make sleeping difficult, especially when you’re under stress.

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