Setting up a 2 year old sleep schedule can be challenging but not impossible. As your child approaches independence, life can throw a curveball. The new activities and routines you implement during the day may interfere with your child’s sleep pattern. At the same time, your toddler’s independence will increase your need for sleep. If you can maintain a consistent schedule based on a solid sleep pattern, your two-year-old should grow up with fewer sleepless nights.
You need to accommodate one or two naps during the day for a two-year-old sleep schedule. Your toddler should nap in the morning at a time close to lunchtime. Then, he should take his second nap at approximately 12:30-3:30 pm. When your toddler refuses to nap, consider dropping one or two hours from their daily schedule. It may be too early.
If your child is still napping, you can try reducing the morning nap or shifting it forward by 30 minutes. Overtired children are often difficult to settle, making it essential to keep a close eye on their sleep schedule. Try recording your toddler’s daytime sleep and naptime to understand when he’ll become tired. You can also use the information you gathered to create a schedule for your child.
The sleep regression that your child is experiencing is a test of patience for both of you. However, with some patience and strategies, you can overcome this sleep regression stage. Daycare providers have a toolkit of strategies to help parents deal with sleep problems with their toddlers. When a child has difficulty settling down at night, it’s difficult for them to shut off their brain and fall asleep.
If your toddler still takes only one nap, add another one. Try extending the daytime nap by an hour. A three-hour nap will help your toddler sleep through the night, and he’ll likely take one nap during the day. If your child still takes two naps each day, make it a half-hour or one hour. Then you can prepare for bedtime by adding a bottle or two.
A toddler needs at least one afternoon nap for healthy development. But as they get older, they may start pushing the boundaries and refuse to go to sleep. It can lead to hyperactivity. Try to avoid pushing the limits too much. In addition, toddlers usually start pushing the limits at bedtime and may try to climb out of the crib or skip the daytime nap. The more consistent your toddler’s sleep schedule, the easier the transition will be for you.
Your child will be able to recognize your face and voice and be trained to take naps and wake up at certain times. By two months, most babies have developed a sleeping pattern that includes naps and feedings. A successful sleep pattern will also allow them to adjust to different schedules in the future. Your baby will adapt to these changes as he grows and becomes more independent. So, be prepared to work with these changes and see a noticeable difference.