How to Establish a 4-Month-Old Sleep Schedule

Your baby will begin to wake at night, and you’ll likely be short on sleep. But, it is not the end of the world – you can establish a routine for your 4 month old sleep schedule that’s good for both of you. Read on to learn how to get started. Audrey Marshall is a coffee-loving mom of two who blogs at Mommy Enlightened. She loves to disburse moments with her family and knit.

To set a routine, start about 30 minutes before bedtime and continue for at least an hour. A pacifier, a breast or bottle, a rocking motion, or feeding can signal nap time. Having a shorter bedtime routine during the day is important, so your child knows it’s time to nap. Using a clock to set a sleep time routine for your baby can help you avoid any major problems.

A good waketime for your baby is 1.5 to two hours and should lead to a solid three naps a day. However, if your baby takes longer than 15 minutes for naps, it’s time to reduce their waketime. Regardless of how well your baby sleeps, there’s no need to brag about it to other parents. Just remember, small adjustments can make a big difference.

As a parent, you’ll be able to recognize when your child is getting tired. Pay attention to when your baby is fussy or irritable. Around six p.m., your baby will start feeling tired and ready for a nap. You should also be aware of when your baby’s last nap ended. If your baby is waking up at that time, it’s time to start setting a bedtime earlier.

At four months, babies typically sleep for 11 hours at night and five to six hours during the day. They can handle short naps of up to thirty minutes at this age. However, they can’t handle longer stretches of awake time. Therefore, it is important to remember that you can’t force them to nap in a car seat or stroller. Instead, they should be in a crib, not a stroller or a car seat.

Ideally, your baby should have a feed when they wake up. If they’re breastfed, offer a 5oz feed before bed. If bottle-feeding, offer them both breasts. If they’re nursing, offer them 5 to 6oz before bedtime. The same goes for waking up. Try to follow a consistent schedule so you can avoid a sleepless baby. Your baby’s sleep schedule will get easier as your baby gets older.

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