Strategies For Dealing With Narcissistic Mother

Strategies For Dealing With Narcissistic Mother, identifying the symptoms of narcissistic parenthood and understanding its reasons can help you decide how to respond to your narcissistic mother. In addition, you can learn the “do’s” and “don’ts” of this type of motherhood, including not apologizing for mistakes or expecting an apology. While this type of mother can be frustrating, remember that she does not mean to hurt you and is simply exploiting your need to be accepted.

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The narcissistic mother sees her children as extensions of herself, grooming them to allow her to control their lives. Therefore, they do not respect your autonomy, and giving in will not make them better mothers. Instead, establish boundaries and give them alternative activities or times for interacting. Narcissistic mothers may even resent you if you agree to their demands; instead of giving in to the narcissistic mother, set limits and communicate them with your children.

Make sure your physical health is in good shape. Your physical health is your foundation for emotional wellbeing. People with good health can handle emotional ups and downs better than those with unhealthy bodies. Physical and mental health are interrelated, and taking care of your body will strengthen you. Narcissistic mothers will treat any deference as a sign of weakness. Start a daily exercise program or get a therapist if you feel overwhelmed by your mother.

When it comes to your child’s wellbeing, it’s crucial to avoid painting your narcissistic parent as a saint or a wonderful person. Gaslighting your child will only confuse them and make them feel more confused. Instead, when your child brings up a situation that is uncomfortable for you, reassure them that they can talk about it freely. When it’s time to talk, offer empathy and tell them that it’s not their fault.

The best way to deal with a narcissistic mother is to understand the underlying reasons for the separation of the children. While avoiding contact is a good option, ignoring her behavior may be counterproductive. She may deny the problems while blaming others for the problems. However, it would help if you tried to recognize the symptoms of the narcissistic mother before trying to deal with her.

If you have a child who a narcissistic mother has raised, you should seek a therapist who can work with their inner child to heal any wounds that have not been healed. The child raised by such a parent may feel ignored, treated as an object, and valued for what they do, instead of being loved for who they are. By seeking help from a therapist, you can begin the healing process and move forward with your child’s development.

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