When to Transition Out of the Swaddle

Changing your baby’s sleeping habits is not always easy. The transition out of the swaddle is no exception. You’ll likely be dropping swaddling for all naps on the first day and allowing them to settle on their own for all naps on day two. However, your baby’s sleep routine will still be disrupted by the arm flailing and twitching.

Switching to a sleep sack is another way to transition your baby out of the swaddle. In addition, you can try swaddling your baby with only one arm instead of both. This will allow your baby to adjust to the openness without feeling constricted. But don’t switch over too quickly.

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If your baby’s sleep routine is disturbed and interrupted by swaddling, it’s time to transition your baby out of the swaddle. It’s a common mistake to try and transition out of the swaddle too soon. The process can be more stressful for the parent than for the child.

Transitioning out of the swaddle usually lasts two to three months, but some babies may begin to drop the swaddle before that age. If your baby is starting to wake up more frequently or is crying for no apparent reason, it’s probably time to move on. You may want to begin the process at three months, but don’t push it.

If your baby has not yet rolled over, transitioning out of the swaddle isn’t a big deal. It is a great way to prepare for eventual rolling over. You can put your baby’s arms back in the swaddle during the transition while letting them roll over on their tummy. Afterward, you can transition to using a sleep sack.

Most babies adjust quickly to the swaddle, but some may take a few nights to get used to it. Parents can try using a “cold turkey” approach to transition from the swaddle to a more natural sleeping routine. While a “cold turkey” approach may work for some babies, it may not be the best choice if your baby cannot self-soothe. It may also upset your baby’s sleep patterns.

If you cannot induce a nap with a swaddle, you can also try putting your baby in a front pack or car seat. It may take several nights or even a couple of weeks, but the transition will be less painful in the long run.

Taking your baby out of the swaddle doesn’t have to occur overnight. Leaving the swaddle during the day will likely disrupt the sleeping pattern and cause your baby to become sleepless. Gradually transitioning out of the swaddle is gradual, so it’s best to do it by a nap. After a couple of weeks, your baby’s sleep patterns should return to normal.

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