Establishing a 16 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Your child’s sleep schedule may be different than yours. For example, while some toddlers need one nap each day, others can take two if they still need naps at night. Generally, your 16 month old sleep schedule should get about 13-14 hours of sleep daily. For those who need to nap two times a day, your child should be awake for at least five hours before nap time and then have three to four hours between naps.
When establishing a sleep schedule for your 16-month-old, it’s easy to fall back into old routines. But this only reinforces unhealthy habits and doesn’t get your child the rest he needs. To avoid these situations:

  • Make your child’s schedule as stable as possible.
  • Start by shifting naptime an hour earlier.
  • If your child is overtired, cut down on the bath, reading, and singing time.

Sticker charts can help your child cooperate with naptime and bedtime. During this stage, most toddlers love stickers, and you can make a chart of them by writing their names and “Sleep Chart.” When the child understands that their behavior is rewarded, he’ll start winning stickers and probably ask you to buy him a prize. With these simple tricks, your 16-month-old will start waking up independently and establishing a routine that works for him.

The key to establishing a good sleep schedule for your 16-month-old is consistency. If you stick to your routine, you’ll find that your child’s naps will be more reliable than you would expect. It may take several weeks to get used to the 2-1 sleep schedule on US time. Still, the nights have been steady. But, as a parent, you should be prepared for the inevitable occurrences and adjust accordingly.

The transition from two to one nap can be difficult, but remember that it’s normal for a child to wake up earlier than desired when they take one nap. To make this easier, consider alternating one nap day with two naps. And, don’t forget that you can also push the nap time back by about 15 minutes every few days. But make sure to keep the routine for the afternoon nap time similar to the one for bedtime.

When it comes to food, solids are a baby’s best friend. If your child is still drinking cow’s milk, you can introduce a little bit of it now. However, if your child is still drinking more milk, it could be because they’re not getting enough solids. Your 16-month-old’s diet should be mostly solids – and you’ll need to ensure they’re eating three meals a day. By the time they’re 16 months, solids will become their main source of nutrition.

During this time, babies usually take one or two naps each day. Your child may also take longer afternoon naps or go back and forth between two and one naps. You should provide a quiet room in the afternoon when your child doesn’t want to nap and ease them into this new routine. In addition, you can make it easier for your child by giving them a nap after lunch.

If your baby is eating solids, you may no longer need to feed them at night. However, if your child is still breastfeeding, you may need to continue this practice. Your baby should be taking two naps each day, lasting about 1.5 to two hours. You can try to avoid napping after 3.30 pm, but keep in mind that he may not be tired enough to fall asleep at seven or nine o’clock. Babies should get at least 10 hours of sleep at night, so make it a point to follow her schedule.

Another important aspect of your toddler’s sleep routine is consistency. Most toddlers do best with a routine and sleep better when following it. A regular sleep schedule will help your child establish healthy sleep patterns and reduce night wakings. You should also ensure that your toddler wakes up between six and seven. If you can’t keep your toddler to a bedtime routine, you may want to consider a different approach.

The earlier you put your baby to bed, the more restful they’ll get. Avoid exposing your child to bright lights or loud noises a couple of hours before bedtime. A pacifier is also a great way to settle your child and inspire a love of books. Read to your baby each night and keep the lights dim. By offering your child a pacifier, you can help them fall asleep faster and easier.

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