What Is a Normal Infant Heart Rate? In 2017, the Apgar score is a standard method of assessing the health of a newborn infant. The Apgar score is a scale that measures five different categories, including an infant’s heart rate, respiratory rate, response to stimuli, muscle activity, and color. If the Apgar score falls below seven, a child is considered to be in poor health and medical intervention should be sought. An infant’s heart rate should be above 100 beats per minute to indicate optimal health.
A healthy infant’s heart rate is 90 to 160 beats per minute. By five months of age, the left ventricle is about twice the size of the right. As the left ventricle grows, the heart’s pulse rate increases to increase cardiac output. Eventually, the heart matures and functions just like an adult’s. The higher the infant’s heart rate, the more likely he or she is to suffer from a cardiovascular problem.
In a previous study, researchers found that infants who had died from SIDS had a lower ApEn level than healthy infants. This result is consistent with the fact that autonomic regulation of heart rate becomes abnormal in high-risk subjects. Additionally, five of the fourteen aborted infants had low ApEn values. ApEn values were associated with increased risk of death. So, while the ApEn score may be a helpful guideline, it should not be the sole determinant in determining an infant’s health.
An atypical P-R interval is another sign of possible congestive heart failure. The P-R interval is longer than usual, indicating that the SA and AV nodes are having a difficult time coordinating. The R-R interval is shorter than normal, which suggests that the ventricles are not contracting fully. In this case, a normal infant heart rate is 130 to 160 beats per minute. The midwives must monitor the infant’s weight and check the spine and palmer creases.
Another symptom of premature cord clamping is peripheral acrocyanosis, or a lack of blood volume in the extremities. This condition may affect an infant’s heart rate, but is generally not life-threatening. It is best to let a doctor know if an infant is experiencing any of these symptoms if you suspect a cardiovascular disorder. While nausea and vomiting during pregnancy do not trigger further investigation, the presence of fever in the first trimester is a red flag for further evaluation.
Some other possible causes for abnormal infant heart rates are coarctation of the aorta and femoral artery disease. Although these conditions are rare, they do cause decreased pressure in the lower extremities. In addition, a baby with coarctation of the aorta does not develop properly, and the pressure in the femoral arteries may be low. The heart may also fail to develop in the left side, causing the infant to have a hypoplastic left heart. The aorta is a significant source of pressure in the abdomen, but not in the right place.