If your newborn won’t sleep in a crib or only in your arms, you may be wondering why, read this guide on How to Help Your Newborn Not Sleep in Crib Only in Arms. Your baby spends a large part of the night in the REM (rapid eye movement) state. This wakeful phase causes a buildup of cortisol, a stress hormone that can cause your baby to wake up earlier than usual. Another common cause is overtiredness. Bright rooms and unexpected noises can cause your baby to wake up during their light sleep phase.
To avoid a situation where your baby won’t sleep in the crib, make sure to settle him/her in your arms first. This may take a few minutes. You also want to avoid over-tiredness because a tired newborn will have trouble falling asleep. The key to success is consistency. If your newborn won’t sleep in the crib only in your arms, try placing him/her in a bassinet. You can ask someone else to take care of your newborn if you need a break. If you don’t want to put your newborn in a bassinet, you can also leave him/her in your arms.
Another way to help your newborn sleep in his/her crib is to place him/her on his/her back before bed. A little motion will help your baby get used to being in your arms and will eventually lead to a deeper sleep. It’s important to check on your baby’s temperature levels before you try this technique. And as you practice putting him/her down in the crib, be sure to watch for any signs of cot-wetting.
Swaddling your newborn can help him/her get comfortable while sleeping. Just make sure to swaddle him/her safely while sleeping on his/her back. You can also use sleep sacks as your baby gets older. Keep the room temperature comfortable (68-72 degrees Fahrenheit) and avoid putting stuffed toys or sheep skins on the crib. You can also install a fan to create white noise for your baby.
If your newborn won’t sleep in a crib, try putting him/her in your arms every few hours. This will help them to associate sleep with your voice and your presence. You will be amazed at how your newborn will respond to this routine. This way, they will be less likely to cry out of frustration when you put them in their crib. So, keep trying! The sooner your newborn begins sleeping, the better.
It’s normal for newborns to want to sleep on you. They spent nine months in your arms in the womb. Unlike adults, newborns don’t have a concept of day and night, so their sleep pattern needs time to develop. If they do choose to sleep in their cribs, you’ll be glad you got a little time with them to hold them. When the time comes, they’ll be ready for their own bed.
Once you have settled your baby into the crib, try to keep a consistent schedule. Set a time for bedtime and naptime every day. Sometimes, this requires waking your baby in the morning to maintain the schedule, but it will help your child to sleep better at the same time each day. To help your child associate these times with sleep, make a “sh, sh, shh” sound while holding their chest and putting them in a calming position.