Thule Chariot Infant Sling

The Thule Chariot Infant Sling is designed for strolling and not for cycling. While the sling is attached to the trailer’s shoulder harness, it is not a separate unit. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions to attach the foot bar to the car’s frame properly. Also, remove the padded shoulder harness. The seat compartment should be configured, so the head straps point towards the seat frame bar and the crotch support is outside the car.

The Thule Chariot Infant Sling provides maximum stability and lateral support for infants between 1 and 10 months. It is designed to be weightless and easy to install. The infant splint can be used with any Thule Chariot bike trailer. It is not recommended to cycle with a baby under 12 months old. It is a safe and versatile product for parents who like to use for walks, jogs, and errands.

When using a Thule Chariot Infant Sling, remember to use it with double occupant child carriers. Ensure the head straps are attached securely, and the waist strap is fastened evenly. Once the seat belt is secured, adjust the head strap and buckles to fit the child’s shoulders. When done, release the parking brake and try the child carrier with your child. Make sure that the child carrier is unlocked and secured before removing it.

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