How to Tell If Baby Has an Ear Infection

How to Tell If Baby Has an Ear Infection? In order to determine whether your baby has an ear infection, you can ask your pediatrician to examine your child’s ears. If you suspect your child may have an infection, you may choose to treat them yourself. Although most infections clear up on their own, they may require antibiotics. If the infection is severe, a pediatrician can prescribe antibiotics. If your child has a fever, you can offer acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help your child feel better.

Other signs that your baby may have an ear infection include a change in mood or gastrointestinal distress. Your baby may be fussy and may pull away from breastmilk or the bottle. You may also notice a foul odor coming from the affected ear. Ear infections often occur after a cold or sinus infection. Your child may also experience fever, runny nose, vomiting, and difficulty sleeping. Some ear infections can also lead to hearing loss or dizziness.

The pain and discomfort in your child’s ear may be caused by fluids in the middle ear. Your child might also start to complain about water in the ear or too quiet sounds. Additionally, a child with an ear infection may appear grumpy, refuse to eat, or have fits of sleep. If you have noticed any of these symptoms, you should see your pediatrician.

Antibiotics should be started for a child with a suspected ear infection. They may be prescribed for two to four days. If the symptoms persist, you should contact your pediatrician immediately. Some children are able to tolerate antibiotics better than others. Your child’s doctor will recommend an antibiotic course based on their age and the severity of the symptoms. If the ear infection is severe, you may need to use antibiotic ear drops.

If your child’s symptoms are caused by an ear infection, your pediatrician may prescribe antibiotics and recommend a follow-up visit. In many cases, the pain and fever will subside within a few days. However, some children may need ear tubes or an ENT visit to determine if they have an ear infection. Thankfully, most cases can be treated at home with antibiotics and go back to normal activities.

The most obvious symptom of ear infections is earache. However, younger children may also be fussy and have trouble sleeping. An earache can also be a sign of a perforated eardrum, which is caused when fluid becomes trapped inside the middle ear. A child may experience a high fever and bloody discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your pediatrician right away.

After a fever and pain have subsided, a child may show signs of improvement in their ear. The fever will probably come back after 48 hours or three days of antibiotics. Likewise, the ear infection may clear up without the need for antibiotics. If your child experiences one of these symptoms, do not panic. Your child will eventually recover without the need for antibiotics. However, you should always see your doctor if your child has an ear infection.

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