You’ve probably wondered how much ounces should a two-month-old eat every day. After all, this is the first time your child has eaten on their own. The amount of food that a baby needs varies, but generally speaking, they need about four ounces every three to four hours. In the first few days, they may only drink a half-ounce of formula per feeding. By two weeks of age, they’re eating up to four ounces. By the time they reach six months, they’re eating up to eight ounces a day.
During the first few weeks of feeding, your baby is nursing every few hours. This is perfectly normal. Your baby’s tummy will have grown to about the size of a cherry or walnut, but it’s still very important to give them small, frequent feeds. Breastfeeding at least 10 times a day will help your baby drink about 300 milliliters (about half an ounce) of breast milk each day. This will increase their overall intake to between 10 and twenty ounces in 24 hours.
Newborn babies need small, frequent feedings to help them establish a full milk supply. A newborn can hold about half an egg at a time, so a two-month-old may need two to three ounces of breast milk per feeding. A newborn can hold about five to ten milliliters of breast milk at a time, so an eight-pound baby may need about twenty to twenty-three ounces per day. A 10-pound baby might need twenty-five ounces in 24 hours, and a fifteen-pound baby may need up to twenty-three ounces per day.

Depending on the type of milk or formula you’re giving your child, there are several guidelines that you can use to help you determine how much your baby should eat. While it may be tempting to force your child to finish a bottle or to eat more than he or she is ready for, coaxing a baby to finish the bottle may override his natural hunger and satiety mechanisms. The aim of the guidelines is to guide your baby’s feeding schedule and help them grow up correctly.
Once your baby has developed oral motor skills, you can transition to solid foods. Ideally, you’ll switch to solids when your baby is around four to six months old. By that time, your baby should be sitting in a high chair, can hold his head up in a straight position, and be able to move food from mouth to throat. At that age, your baby should weigh more than 13 pounds, which is almost double their birth weight.
Must Read: How Many Ounces Should a 1 Month Old Eat?
Feeding your baby should be based on the child’s hunger. Try not to let your child fall asleep during a feed. During these first two months, babies will need at least eight feedings a day. The interval between feeds is about 20 to 30 minutes. The length of the feeding is subjective, but it is important to remember that the amount of milk a baby should consume will vary depending on his or her age.