Tips For Flying With a Baby

Tips For Flying With a Baby can be stressful, so here are some tips for preparing for your journey. First, pack more supplies than you need, especially for a flight without an airport stopover. Dress your baby in layers, like a cold or warm baby can cause meltdowns. If you cannot pack everything in one suitcase, ask relatives to bring bulky items to your destination. Then, bring a blanket or a baby carrier to keep your baby warm and comfortable.

Choose aisle seats if possible. While you will have more space to move around, aisle seats are better for feeding and changing. When possible, leave the middle seats vacant. A baby car seat can be placed in these seats, which can be helpful if your baby is sleepy. You can also opt for a stroller, which doubles as a private baggage cart. The airlines typically allow strollers to be checked at the gate.

Make sure your baby is fed before the flight to avoid meltdowns. It will help prevent your baby’s ears from popping and keep the cabin quiet. If your baby is not curious about eating, consider giving them a pacifier. It will help him adjust to the cabin pressure and keep them happy. Also, remember to keep the baby’s pacifier handy. Finally, as you travel with your baby, don’t let strangers stare at you. Remember, they are likely friendly parents and don’t mean any harm.

Make sure that you plan your flight around your baby’s nap schedule. Traveling during nap time will be easier for everyone, but a tired baby can make it difficult. Avoid traveling in the morning or evening hours. Try to avoid long flights or red eyes. The FAA doesn’t require tickets for children under two years old. If you do, check with the airline to see if any seats are available.

Preparation is essential for your baby’s safety. Taking a baby on a flight differs from traveling with an adult. Preparing properly for the flight is imperative, and you will be thankful you did. Preparation and thought will go a long way in ensuring your baby’s safety. Many tips and tricks help make flying with a baby less stressful. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers many helpful tips and tricks for flying with a baby.

Try to leave plenty of time at the airport. It would be best if you had time to get through security—plan to arrive at the airport at least two hours before the flight. Make sure you bring enough time for diaper changes and feedings. Remember that most airlines will gate-check your baby’s stroller if you are traveling with an infant. The earlier you arrive, the easier the trip will be. It may even be a good idea to take your baby’s nap while waiting for the flight to board.

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