How Many Hours Should a Newborn Sleep?

Your baby’s sleep pattern will soon begin to emerge, and you’ll want to make sure you’re giving your baby enough sleep. Early on, your baby may not seem to sleep long enough, but they will grow into little champs before you know it. Aim for a few hours of sleep a day, and your baby will be a happy, healthy little bundle of joy. Read on to learn more about the benefits of sleep for babies.

For a newborn, sleeping periods should last about two to four hours. Often, they wake up only once or twice a night. Typically, newborns sleep for two to four hours at a time, and they will wake up in between feedings. But after about six months, most babies will sleep for twelve to 15 hours per day. Until that point, you may still have to give them night feeds if they are teething or have hunger.

Babies spend more than half their day sleeping. This sleep helps the brain develop, which in turn facilitates learning and behavior. They also get enough nutrition and grow physically, acquiring stronger motor skills. For the first few months, newborns typically nap three to four hours. But this number starts to decrease as they grow older. By six months, your baby may sleep for just one or two hours a day. Even if they do sleep longer during the day, their circadian rhythms are still developing, so you may want to consider extending the nap time.

Ideally, a newborn will sleep eight to nine hours per day. This is a relatively long period of time, as their stomach is so small and they must wake up often to eat. However, babies do not usually start sleeping through the night until they’re about three months old. This means that they wake up every three to four hours for feeding. And while you’d like to be as restful as possible, it’s important to remember that newborns do not fully develop until they reach their first birthday.


While the ideal time to feed a newborn is between eleven and fourteen hours, some parents find it difficult to give their baby more than the recommended number. Babies that prioritize sleep may not wake up for feeding, which can lead to problems like a lack of weight or an inability to feed. This behavior will be problematic for your baby and will eventually lead to sleep problems. And this is only the beginning! So make sure to take your baby’s sleep routine into consideration, as these will help your baby to grow into a healthy adult.

As the hours go by, you should continue to feed your baby while it’s awake, and ensure it’s getting a good night’s sleep. It’s important to make sure that your baby is eating well and is gaining weight. It’s important to allow your newborn to sleep, but also be sure that they get plenty of rest. And don’t forget to give your baby plenty of naps during the day.

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