A Three-Month Old Sleep Schedule

Your 3 month old sleep schedule may vary from day to day, but there are some general guidelines you can follow. First, fix nap time before bedtime so your baby learns to sleep independently. It also means avoiding naps on the go. Your child will most likely take longer naps by six or seven months. Also, avoid allowing your child to eat after waking up, which will hurt their sleep cycle.

If your baby has been awake for more than an hour after the last feeding, you should aim to have him nap after 60 to 120 minutes. To find optimal nap times, use a sleep chart like Huckleberry’s SweetSpot. A sleep chart like this can be very helpful and gives you a sample schedule to follow. Then, follow the chart each day. Your baby will soon grow out of the chart and get back on a regular schedule.

A good three-month-old sleep schedule begins at around six or seven p.m., but it can be changed to suit your family’s schedule. For example, if your baby has a preferential bedtime, try to put him in his crib 30 minutes before that time. However, it’s important to remember that babies sometimes fall asleep on the go, so be sure to offer him a crib as much as possible.

Generally, a three-month-old needs about 14-16 hours of sleep each day. They may take up to three naps daily, lasting between thirty minutes and two hours. During the day, your baby will wake up five to six hours for feedings. During the night, your baby will wake up between seven and ninety minutes. A three-month-old baby’s sleep schedule will be largely dependent on these factors.

While a three-month-old sleep schedule is the best for your child’s development, you should keep in mind that your baby can experience regression at anytime. Although the first sleep regression typically happens between three and four months of age, the process can occur at any time, and if your baby is overtired, they’ll have trouble falling asleep at night. Your baby’s circadian rhythm is one of the most important parts of your child’s schedule, so be sure to keep it consistent and set a schedule for your baby.

Feed them five ounces of breast or formula milk when your baby wakes—feeding your baby as often as every three hours is an important part of their day. It ensures proper growth and maximum sleep at night, allowing you to get some rest. As a bonus, your baby will grow into a confident sleeper and develop self-soothing skills. Your three-month-old will be happy and healthy if you set a good schedule.

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